Knowledge Base

General Ledger and Financial Management Setup Guide

How to Create Reports with Account Schedule

Learn to create simple reports using the account schedule functionality in NAV.

How to Create a Deferral Template in NAV

Learn to create deferral templates and post deferred revenue transactions.

Configuring Recurring Journals

Review this section to configure recurring journals for transactions that are posted frequently with few or no changes.

Configuring General Journals

Review this section to learn about the setup and functionalities of General Journals.

Configuring Currencies

Review this section to set up, process various transactions, implement additional reporting currency, and consolidate multiple currencies.

Configuring Standard Text Codes

Review this section to setup standard text codes as single-line or extended text.

Configuring General Journal Templates and Batches

This section details the use of General Journals templates and General Journal batches.

Configuring Bank Accounts

This section explains bank account configuration, and bank account creation.

Configuring Dimensions

Review the following section to understand and set up Dimensions including Dimension Values, Dimension Combinations, Default Dimensions, and...

Configuring Posting Groups

This section explains how to configure the various types of Posting Groups.

Using the Chart of Accounts

This topic explains the use of the Chart of Accounts, the elements of the GL Account card, and the Chart of Account elements.

General Ledger Setup

This section details the setup required for General Ledger.

Pooled Asset Depreciation

This topic explains how to configure assets for fixed asset pooling.

Audit Trails - Source Codes and Reason Codes

Review the following section to set up trail codes, source codes, and reason codes.

Defining Accounting Periods

This section details how to manually and automatically set up Accounting Periods.

Configuring Number Series

This section explains the use for Number Series, how to set a new one up, and how to create a Number Series relationship.

Country/ Region Setup

This section explains how to add and set up a Country or Region.

Company Information Setup

This section details the tabs you need to set up for company information.