Recurring payments are processed via tokens that are stored on the donation gift. You will need to set up a token when you require a recurring payment.
To set up a token for a recurring credit card payment:
- Open a recurring Donation Gift.
- Click for more commands and choose Start Dialog.
- Select the SRPG – Process Payment – Create Customer Token dialog and click Add.
- The system will open a dialog allowing you to enter the payment information.
- Enter the payment information and click Next.
Note: The first name field will contain the full name of the donor. This is due to a limitation in the system that will be addressed in a future release.
- Back on the Donation Gift record, refresh the page to see results.
- The Payment Gateway Information tab will now be populated, showing the results of the processing through the payment gateway.
- The Credit card information will be obfuscated and will not be stored in the database.
- The Payment Gateway Information section shows the customer token under the Payment Gateway Customer ID field.
Note: If the recurring payment is rejected by the payment gateway then it needs to be corrected and re-tried manually.